There is no more important ministry than that of being a greeter at the doors of our parish or being an usher who ensures that their fellow worshipers are properly seated. Our greeters and ushers are the host and hostesses welcoming their brothers and sisters to the glorious celebration of the Holy Mass. A warm smile and sincere welcome helps create an atmosphere of hospitality and friendliness that should always exist when one enters the house of our Lord.
As any good host or hostess, they take particular care to make sure that newcomers feel truly welcome and they keep a special eye out for any of our elderly or disabled to make sure they get a good seat for the celebration.
After everyone is seated and the Mass begins, the ushers then represent the entire congregation by collecting their offerings and making sure that the offerings are brought up to the altar. Once Mass is completed, like any good host and Hostess, the ushers and greeters stand at the doors to bid everyone in the congregation farewell and make sure that they receive a parish bulletin.
For information contact parish office: (510)351-5244