In 1972, Pope Paul VI restored the role of lector to the official status of a ministry. Proclaiming the Word is a privilege. The Liturgy of the Word is not simply a prelude to the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Mass is a unified act in which we are nourished by God’s life-giving Word and his life-giving Body.
According to the constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, no. 56, in Vatican Council II (1975), “God’s people should be instructed by God’s Word and be nourished at the table of the Lord’s Body.”
The Lector prayerfully prepares for proclaiming the Word. The minister is aided with a workbook that provides the background of the reading and helps with pronunciation and emphasis. The responsibility of the Lector is to take the Scripture passage from the printed word and bring it to a living sound of salvation for those who hear it. The preparation to impart the Word to the community enriches the minister’s own knowledge of the living Word. Just as the written Word was inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is at work within the lector.
New members require approval from the pastor before being commissioned.
Persons wanting to join this ministry please call the parish office: 510-351-5244.